Saturday, August 23, 2008

Pros and Cons of Having a Girl Friend

The Cons first :):

1) Doing stuff that I dont want to do (like Brunch at Noon or Rollerblading in the park);
2) Paying for everything;
3) Limiting my independence.

1) Memories (creating and sharing them);
2) Snuggling in bed;
3) Doing things that I'm too lazy to do on my own but want to do (like, driving up to Maine and hiking, biking, whitewater rafting, going skiing together, going to flea markets and thrift stores, shopping together, cooking for her and her cooking for me, dinner parties, dressing up for Halloween together, movie nights, going to plays, operas, concerts, and cabarets with her, doing craft things like Martha Stewart type projects, dancing in the living room (cheek to cheek) to a Gershwin tune)
4) Romance (with kisses and caresses)

I'm a lone wolf. I'm comfortable with it. But I need to get out of my comfort zone. She has to be attractive, slender, fun, fashionable, smart, silly, responsible, and have nice legs and feet (high arches and look great in heels). I wont settle but I'm willing to give in :).

I want to be in love. Love is worth the hurt.


Unknown said...

You are a bit old for this drivel. Don't say any of this to prospective GFs. Were you on something when you wrote this?

dandyinthecity said...

Drivel? I was just opining. If it is drivel, I dont mind.

Remember, the point of my blog is solely for me to print it out and read it 20 years from now (or earlier).

Just a web log (blog) of my thoughts. So, anything goes.

Unknown said...

You may be in for some VERY painful reading in 2028 !!!!

"My God, how could I ever have written anything like this for public consumption??!! It makes absolutely no sense . . "

dandyinthecity said...

That's actually the point of me writing a blog. It will expose all of my feelings and thoughts. Sentimental 'drivels,' nasty observations, interesting insights, the sublime to the (very) ridiculous. Afterall, I am all of this and that.

Unknown said...

Perhaps it might be better to write it, and look at it again for revisions a few days later, rather than loosing it immediately upon the reading public. Especially if you see it as "solely for me . . to read 20 years from now."

dandyinthecity said...

Nahhh. I'm gonna write whatever I want and revise or delete (including uncouth comments) whatever I want. I'm the primary audience for my blog. Reader participation is entirely secondary and voluntary.

Unknown said...

"That's an approach . . .", as DPM might have said -- but the facial expression would have to be seen to get the full flavor of the remark.