Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Talented Mr. O'Biden

I'm so happy that Obama picked Biden as his running mate.

I have always been a BIG fan of Joseph Biden. Many of you may not know this but I'm a pretty hardcore political junkie and I used to watch C-Span religiously (for hours) on important hearings like the Judicial Committee hearings when it came to Supreme Court justices and the Foreign Relations Committee on Iraq (first and the second one). So, I've seen Biden intensely for the past 20 years or so and he never seized to impress me with his oration, personality, and common sense as the leader of these two very important committees.

However, I didn't know until recently that he came from a poor background nor that he got elected as a Senator at the age of 29! and that his wife and daughter were killed in a car accident. In recent months, I saw him speak about it and how hard that was and how his faith was tested and how he thought about killing himself many times. But he came out stronger. I love people who had been through hardships and come out on top. Triumph over hardships and sufferings. It's heroic. [McCain did too obiviously. But his policies are too similar to Bush's.]

Biden was FOR the second Iraq war (as I was after 9/11; "kill your enemies before they stand up to kill you."-- Old Testamentesque) But he was also one of the first along with his colleagues who I also admire: Luger and Hagel, to come down hard on Rumsfeld and the Cheney administration on the horrific and heineous execution of the war.

You all will have to see him speak to understand what I am talking about. Biden has a first class mind, has a down to earth way of saying things, and his judgement is crystal. He also knows foreign affairs inside out.

I also have to give credit to Obama for being so wise to pick Biden. Biden is a Deleware senator. Deleware only has 3 electoral votes. So Deleware is not what Obama is after. But a trustworthy and wise Statesman who can help him think through complex issues and govern. Biden is the anti-Cheney.

Now we have the perfect team, the Messiah and his John the Baptist. Thank the gods.


Unknown said...

By the way, where does it say that in the Old Testament? And since when have you become such an adherent of OT policies?

I'm not nuts about Biden. But he does have some interesting qualifications (the most important of which might/will be too subtle for the feeble epistemologies of the general public.

I am fairly sure Obama will lose big. I'll vote for him, but I don't expect that to do much good.

You must be very upset about the "Bung-8 is dead" article in today's Post magazine. God, even that insipid Lydia Hearst walked out.

dandyinthecity said...

It may not be in the Old Testament but it is a Jewish proverb that I heard sometime ago.

Yeah, Obama may lose. The problemwith democrats is that like Kerry and Mondale, they dont have the grit and the anger. Obama talks like a professor, too cerebral and thats doesnt connect with the common folks.

Bungalow. I heard about the page six last night from a couple of people. Just googled and read it. Long article.

Yeah, Bungalow is dying. I know. What I liked about it is that it was never crowded. Cozy and fun. But in the past couple of months, its actually been mostly dead and Ive seen the quality of the people who get in go down. Maybe its the Summer thing but it may very well be that it has lost its glamour. Im not upset though. I dont think that anything does or should last forever. But I will miss it if it does close, which is quite possible and likely. It was one of the only places where one could sit chat and dance and have a civilized good time.

The only other place comparable to some lesser degree was Beatrice Inn where I used to be a regular for 2 months last year until the door guy all of a sudden wouldnt let me in. A real dickwad.

Unknown said...

Yuck. Biden's a douchebag. Want to know where the most dangerous place on earth is? Not Baghdad, not living amongst the flesh-eating tigers of the Bangladesh delta - it's getting in the space between a TV camera and Joe Biden.

Unknown said...

The danger in presenting misquotes in one's writing is that after a few such incidents, one's audience (or at least the better informed ones) begin to think that you just make things up and say that they are from a respected source. You may be able to get away with it at Crowsbar or Rose Bar, where nobody knows any better. Respect your readers and they will respect you. There's too much sloppy thinking around. Don't add to it. And I think you would have trouble demonstrating that this is a Jewish proverb.

Unknown said...

Shane, that's a VERY old gag about the most dangerous place being between [name] and a camera. Freshen up.

dandyinthecity said...

Pierce, you're my fact checker. You're more meticulous and knowledgeable in many areas than me.

Btw, it is a Jewish proverb or at least an idea. It was in a book or a documentary on the History Channel or some interview with a neocon that I saw. And,it follows the precept of an 'eye for an eye,tooth for a tooth' in the Old Testament. So,it's credible to me that it is an Old Testament related quote perhaps in the Talmudic or Rabbinical circles.

Lastly, even the most learned authors and/or philosophers (which I'm not) have from time to time misquoted sources and scholars put in footnotes to this effect.

So long as my writings are not strewn with misquotes and they are more an exception than the rule, I think I should be given amnesty on those few exceptions.

Unknown said...

Pierce - are you an authority on everything or just what's written on this blog?

dandyinthecity said...

OK Pierce. You crossed the line on this one. I deleted your last comment.

It was nasty, caustic, angry, explosive, and incindiary.

I'm not a masochist. I can take some reasonable criticisms but not prejudices, pendantics, imperatives, or commandments in my blog.

Who the hell do you think you are? Chastising me and making mountains out of mole hills and degrading me? Your narcisstic comments in the guise of guidance is uncouth and unwelcomed.

Unknown said...

Since you're a newbie to the world of blogging I'll tell you what Pierce is - he's Grade-A, 100% TROLL. Don't feed him lest his appetite grow. The best method of dealing with trolls is to ignore them - don't delete their comments (unless they cross the line) but don't respond to them either. Trolls are like stalkers - they take any sign of attention as a sign of approval. Don't Feed the Troll!!!

Unknown said...

What was it I said? Must've been some truth in to get THAT reaction !!

And Shane, "how you storm" !

I'll certainly try to be less "incendiary." And I'm not quite certain it is I who am making the larger mountain out of the smaller molehill.
