Wednesday, August 20, 2008

New Olympic Sports

I think that the following should also be Olympic sports events: billiards, thumb wrestling, arm wrestling, hop scotch, hot dog eating, rock paper and scissors, kite fighting, juggling, poker, pole dancing, pebble skipping, fishing, hunting, sky diving, speed reading, speed text messaging, ballroom dancing, beer pong, quarters, and tic tac toe.

These are all competitive sports that require tremendous amount of discipline, dedication, and training to be the best. And like most of the traditional Olympic sports (excluding Equestrian such as Dressage), it requires the athelete to stand while sporting (note: excluding poker and tic tac toe).

1 comment:

Carolina said...

that's hilarious! They have more ridicilous sports in the olympics already so why not thumb wrestling! Totally agreeee...