Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Another Bungalow Post

So, Barbie and I went to Bungalow Monday nite around 1am to just hangout after having a wonderful Cinco De Mayo gathering at my gay pals' apt. in Chelsea and 'G' the gay bar. We had a wonderful time and they loved her. My gay boys are always cordial and friendly but Scott, my pal, always tells me within an hour what he thinks of the people I bring to his place. He either says, "I like her" or "nah, I don't like her" and he is always right.

So, to end a nice evening, Barbie and I head to Bungalow. There were 4 Escalades with black tinted windows and 4 door guys. Hmmm. I thought to myself, there's something going on tonight. Usually, Monday nites are very quiet. I hardly ever go there on Mondays. As we approached the rope, we did not see our usual doorman who is usually there every night. This time it was 4 new guys with ponytails and D&G tux. They asked us, "you on the list?" We said, we'll wait for the door guy. the door guys shows up and tells us it's private party. We should have left right then but then we saw George Clooney coming out and we thought hmmm. this could be interesting. So, we lingered. Bad decision. Oh well, we're not perfect.

I am not a big celebrity vulture but I haven't seen a celebrity in awhile. Not since Adrien Brody who was at B8 a couple of weeks before. Plus, we thought we were invincible when it came to entree to B8. Next, we see the Olsen Twins coming out.

We never got in. The door guy usually wears like a hooded jacket, very casual. But on Monday, he was wearing a tux. I should have left. But Barbie was insistent on getting in and I was too lazy to leave. We were both drunk.

So, finally after 20 mins., I got hold of the door guy and said, "come on. you know us. we're regulars." He stopped over and said to me, "if you continue to badger me, you will never step inside here again!" :())). I immediately left.

I had a similar situation at Beatrice Inn, albeit, that was a completely different story. I was accused of hitting on women so the door guy told me and that I was reported. So, I was banned completely on hear say. I don't hit on women. I talk to them but if there's no interest, I leave them.

Now, back to B8. Apparently, the night WAS indeed completely private. I'm talking, Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, Georgio Armani, Fergie, Michael Kors, Dolce, Gabbana, etc. I had no idea. Armani threw Clooney a surprise birthday party after the Costume Institute Gala (aka Oscars East) at the Met earlier that evening.

I wish though that the door guy would have said to me (us), "listen my friend. i know you and barbie are regulars. but i'm sorry. Tonight is completely private. Come back tomorrow nite." I would have completely understood that. very disappointed.

My friend Shane was banned from b8 for 5 fckn months because he was accidentally nasty to a woman who turned out to be the owner.

So fckn tenuous this whole charade. The only way to avoid all of this is to become actually famous. If you're not famous in Manhattan, you are actually nobody- a regular, nobody. Hey, maybe that's the way it is and the way it should be. Can you imagine Andy Warhol ever being turned away from a night spot? Fame, money, good friends, and health... that's all that one needs here.

But you know who would out trump all these celebs and door guys? Obama or the Dalai Lama. Avatars. Represent yo!


Shoky said...

you could have gone to the party first at the met, some of your friends got in, and from there, likely obtained entry to b8 that way. Hopefully, you wont argue too much with them if it happens in the future the way you did with beatrice. Best to just take off until they grant you entre.

Shoky said...

pics from that night....

dandyinthecity said...

I agree.

Shoky said...

in this case, the facts bare themselves out. Obviously, you prefer b8 to beatrice, so I am sure you wont be making any scenes anytime soon. Even with the drinky drinky your desire for b8s "relaxed atmosphere" as you put it, makes you rational enough to head the best advice in dealing with places you want to return to: walking away.

Unknown said...

That Bungalow really sounds pathetic.

dandyinthecity said...


NY is pathetic. It's all loud clubs and frat boys. There are only a few places that are comfortablly tranquil. B8 is one of them. May actually be the only one at this time. There are rules. Must be good with the doorman. I heard from another doorman that they had to turn away even other celebrities that night that were not on the list.

Alexzandra said...

Damn, if u had enterd that party i would be so fucking jealous right now :) I miss Manhattan-partys.