Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Facebook II

After a few days on Facebook, I kindda like it. I've been going on it everyday. Many people that I know are on it and the ones that I want to connect with are now connected to and me to them and some post comments everyday and I get an automatic feed of their comments as soon as I go into Facebook. It's a nice, passive way to keep up with friends. Unlike asmallworld, it actually has some utility.

Here's a bit of a mystery though. There are people that I have lost touch with that I forgot and those that I have managed to successfully not be in touch with who have invited me as a friend. Some, I have accepted and some I have not. How did they know that I joined Facebook? How were they alerted that I joined Facebook? Since I can't imagine them searching for my name coincidentally as soon as I joined Facebook.

Btw, in 2000, there were at least a handful of these social networking sites. TheGlobe.com and Sixdegrees.com being the most recognized ones back then. But after the internet bust (aka version 1.0), they all closed shop. Same thing with YouTube. I in fact interviewed for a company called iClips.com which did, back then, what YouTube does now. It's interesting that those companies failed while these carbon copies of those endeavors 6 years later are multimillion, multibillion dollar companies.


DougD said...

Hi Fred,

Facebook lists people who a certain number of your friends are also friends with - the system figures that if, say, 6 of your friends are friends with a person, you would likely know them.

That's why your past acquaintences are able to crawl out the woodwork so quickly - as soon as you added a couple people, you popped up on all of their "people you may know" lists.


dandyinthecity said...

Yeah Doug, thats what I figured after I posted the blog. Thats the only thing that makes sense and is not rocket science in retrospect. Good for them. Its a good way for them to increase stickiness to the site I guess.