Saturday, October 25, 2008


Fruit fly research as much as research done on mice have been the cornerstone of basic genetic research over the century. This is high school Biology class 101.

Then again, of course, she is also skeptical about man's contribution to global warming. But she does want to fix the problem... without knowing the cause of the problem.

I bet she also believes that all of the animals did in fact (i.e. literally) fit into Noah's Ark.

Fckn retard.


Unknown said...

She is disquieting. There are times that it seems to me for some reason that she has a pretty good mind.

But whether or not that is the case, she sure doesn't have much IN it -- and that's worse than not having a good mind.

Of course, after Bush was re-elected, one had to rethink one's suppositions concerning the electorate's feelings about stupid people. I think there's a real audience out there for dumb.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin might be a lot of things, loser comes to mind first, one dimensional, tone deaf, stupid, etc. But it's just wrong (in my opinion) to call her a "retard." As the mom of a child with special needs, the word "retard" is demeaning and offensive to people who are doing the best they can. People with special needs deserve your respect, not your ridicule.
Thanks for listening to this mom's plea.

dandyinthecity said...

Perhaps what I meant was a 'Retard(er)'. But that's not a word. Note the definition of 'retard' per
1. to make slow; delay the development or progress of (an action, process, etc.); hinder or impede.
–verb (used without object) 2. to be delayed.
–noun 3. a slowing down, diminution, or hindrance, as in a machine.
4. Slang: Disparaging. a. a mentally retarded person.
b. a person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective in some way: a hopeless social retard

Yes, the word 'retard' is a disparaging slang and I used it as a slander. I wanted to slander her because of the magnitude of her ignorance is dangerous. She will slow down and hinder scientific progress. If she were ever to become President, her lack of curiosity and knowledge of many facts will HINDER, retard, science (e.g. stem cell research, global warming, genetic research,etc.) among other issues.

So, technically and definition wise, my use of the word retard is accurate.

Now, as for your sensitivity to that word, I understand where you are coming from and I apologize for hurting your feelings by using such an insensitive word. I did not realize that it was so insensitive. Perhaps to many, the 'R' word is equally explosive and unnecessary as the 'N' word and should be forever expelled from our vocabulary.

I agree that the word 'special needs' more accurately describes a person (a human being made of flesh and blood like the rest of us-- with mind, body, and soul, and feelings) who is challenged with circumanstances by no fault of their own. It is a sad condition that demands our compassion and encouragement.

So, I will use the word retard sparringly, if ever, now, being mindful of the harm that certain words can cause. Btw, I have the highest respect and admiration for people who are taking care of special needs people. It takes love, strength, humanity and ceaseless effort to do so. It's heroic in everyway.

But back to Palin. She is not a stupid woman. She wasn't born with a mental disability. I think she has an IQ in the 120 range based on what I have seen and read. So, probably, the best way to describe her is ignorant or moronic or a cretan. I dialed it up a notch to meet the magnitude of her stupidity and said retard-- which is still accurate definition-wise (per for her.

Btw, I don't like thought patrols or thought policing by people who don't know me and immediately consider me a bad person in a single snapshot. But in your case, I think that you were giving me a constructive critique and said it in a nice fair way and wasn't accussatory or implying anything bad. So, I accept your corrective and apologize. A more mindful and compassionate person is a better person in my book.

One of my motto is: "to be a Caesar with a heart of a Christ" --Emerson

dandyinthecity said...

Btw, my posts on Oct. 12 and 11, titled, "Corrections" and "Basic Knowledge of History" briefly explain why I am amenable to corrections. Please feel free to read those niblets.

Again, my heart and admiration goes out to those people who want to make this a better world through love, tolerance, empathy, and understanding.

"Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the Children of God."

FYI-- I'm not a Christian. But I have read the entire Bible and have been born again twice and have been baptised 3 times. I love Jesus Christ-- his words and deeds. But I think that the rest of it (except for Timothy) is hogwash.

The main point, the main take away for me, from that whole windy book is the golden rule expressed by Jesus. "Love others as I have loved you." (even onto death and carrying the cross for someone else.) Truly sublime.

dandyinthecity said...

Hmmm. I just googled 2 words 'hmshore retard' and found a slew of your comments on the usage of the word 'retard.'

Based on the sheer numbers of comments on separate blogs that you have left, it looks like you DO patrol blogs to keep everyone in check with that word.

You are nice about it and the replies to your comments are nice too.

But I do consider your behavior alittle abnormal and perhaps even alittle obssessive and intrusive.

Ths doesn't take away my previous responses to your initial comment and I don't question your well intentioned comments.

I guess you are a crusader of some sort when it comes to the usage of that word. I don't know what to think about that. Except that it seems that whenever someone uses that word, you fear that that word will spread and cause harm. So,you try to nipit in the bud wherever it sprouts.

So, while I respect your intent, I question your apparent over sensitivity to that word.

Believe me, the word retard will never go away. Should it? Yes. But it wont. Please try to patrol less on that word. Give us a break. Let the actions and achievements of special needs people put those people who use the word casually to shame.

Unknown said...

Time to write something new Chinaman :-)