Friday, October 3, 2008

My Haircare Woman on the VP Debate

I just got my haircut. I love my haircutter. She's a beautiful mid-40s Greek woman. She's been cutting my hair to perfection every month for the past 8 years. I used to have one who did a great job as well but she was a big talker and she would take close to half an hour to cut my hair while she spoke on and on about some meaningless issues. I felt like I gave her money to give her therapy. The results were good. But it just took too god damn long. With Eva, my current haircutter, she does a better job and cuts my hair in 5- 10 mins. and she's a hot cougar. Very slender with a new boob job. I also like the fact that from time to time, she would take breaks from cutting my hair to answer her cellphone to talk to her friends. I find that kinnda funny and adorable. She's European afterall and she has that laid back European style. She reminds me of being at Mykonos where I had one of the most fun and relaxing vacations ever.

I've never ever had a problem with her except once when a few years ago, I brought my girlfriend at the time to wait behind us while she cut my hair. I introduced my gf to her and they quickly exchanged superficial greetings. Then Eva butchered my hair. My girlfriend was hot. Slim, blonde, blue eyes, beautiful face and young. So, Eva, took it out on my hair that day. My hair looked like a wet rat (short, spikey, uneven)and I swear I saw some small empty patches on the back when she showed me the hand mirror to examine the 360. I was alittle upset. But I also thought that it was kind of funny too. [I digressed.]

Anyway today, I asked her if she watched the VP debate last nite. She said yes. So, I said, "What did you think?" She said, "Nobody's going to vote for a black man." I was stunned but didn't show it. I wanted to play along and see where this is going. So, I said, "That's interesting. So you don't think we're ready for a black President yet hey? So maybe in a hundred years?" She said, "No, never." Mind you, there were other people (all women) next to me getting their hair done. But fortunately, the blow dryers were all going. So they drowned out much of Eva's comments. I continued to play along, "Well, if he does get elected, he'll probably get assasinated. So he won't be around for long." She replied, "I know. That's what my husband says too." Btw, let me point out that Eva is not a stupid woman. She's just not PC. Brutally honest. She's been in Manhattan for over 20 years and she and I agree on many things and she calls spade a spade. I really like that about her and her sense of style is impeccable. She looks great in one of her thousands of D&G and Cavalli outfits. A very good eye. That implies some un subpar judgement in my book.

I continued. "Did you like Palin?" She said,"Yes, she's cute. Did you see her wink? She's so cute." "Yeah, I did. She is cute." Then she says, "But she's against abortion." She follows up and says, "That's wrong. Women have the right to choose." I said, "Yeah, I know." Then she asks, "Both of them (Palin and Obama) are against gay marriage right?" I said, "Yes, but they will let the States decide." She says, "Oh." Then I asked her, "So, you're voting for Palin-McCain?" Given her previous comment on Barack, I knew she would say "yes."

She said, "No, she is against abortion. That's wrong." I say, "You're voting for Obama???" She said, "Yes."

I was dumbfounded! But I loved her logic. Quite circuitous. I found it adorable. I love European women. [Note: Some Americans, very rarely though, have European sensibilities and I love them too. But they are rare. Like a four leaf clover.]

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There is something of the Beckett novel about this whole episode.