Saturday, April 19, 2008

Retired at the Age of 29

So, after having done absolutely nothing all day except watching bunch of nature documentaries on cable and writing a blog about 'doing absolutely nothing,' I got bored after midnight and decided to stop by my bar for a break from doing absolutely nothing.

I usually don't go to my bar on weekend nights after 11pm because it's usually a zoo and I can't even find a seat. But having accidentally gone into Marquee on Weds. (their popular nite) and seeing the zoo in there, I figured anywhere I went, it was going to be a zoo. So, why not go to one that's 2 blocks away vs. cab downtown for a quickie. Well, thank the gods for Passover. There were less people last nite and it was quite nice. I love Passover, Manhattan is a third empty during Passover.

Well anyway, I was having a smoke outside and I saw a new regular there who is a friend of my bartenders. I said hi and said "hey, your frequency has increased." He said "yeah, my daughter works on Broadway and I dropped her off earlier." Then we have a convo about something which I've forgotten but my curiosity peaked when he mentioned that he gets up at 5 or 6pm everyday. Another idle man? I asked, "so do you work at night?" He said, "no, I'm 36 and and I retired at 29." and he smiled nicely. He apparently started early and went into real estate. No place that's fancy. A 45 family unit in Brooklyn, another in Montreal, a beauty shop, and a couple of restaurants. Retired.


Unknown said...

Can't help wondering what it is he "like(s) to do." But retiring at 29 sure gives you a lot of nice options.

dandyinthecity said...

What he likes to do from what I can gather is to say "I do what I like to do."

Unknown said...

Could he be keeping something from you?

Let's hope so!

shoky said...

perfect retirement locale: mercury bar