Saturday, April 12, 2008

Dancing In The Dark

I have decided to start a new genre of blogs for myself. The genre will be called 'Guerilla Blogs.' It/they will be temporary postings only lasting a few days max. Most to all will be from YouTube. The sole reason being indolence. I will put these on whim. It is an age of multimedia and fast food afterall and my compositions will be either my own,borrowed, stolen, permanent or ephermeral. I will exercise caprice. It's a sort of an experiment for myself. Thanks.


Shoky said...

videos is exactly what your blog needed, more genres than simple text is relatively more enjoyable.

dandyinthecity said...

Thanks. That is exactly why I put it up. Blogs should be multimedia.

Unknown said...

An above-average interpretation by Diana Krall of a near-perfect song. But a song that has been recorded so often, and so often so well, can seem a bit less than fascinating in a merely above average performance. I think her husband would do a more original and more interesting version.

The visuals are not up to the audio at all. In most cases, the visual takes over and you don't pay attention to the audio. Here, the visual is so repetitious, coy, and ultimately drab, that you are much more absorbed by the lyrics and melody -- which are so much more subtle and involving than anything going on over and over on screen. I'd give this a one-star YouTube rating.

Did Krall release this, or did some hack just slap it together? She should sue.

dandyinthecity said...

Pierce, it's soft lez porn and the song adds to the romantic theme. It's kindda trashy and low brow. That's why I put it on. It's cotton candy. A man can not live on caviar alone. At least, not this man. :).

Unknown said...

What romantic theme? It is neither good "cotton candy" nor bad caviar. Just bad.

Cotton candy should sue.