Monday, June 30, 2008

Germans Rock!

Front 242 - Animal

Luv the song and gal. Video eeeh. Front 242. One of my fav. industrial band. Seig heil!

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Listening to Vivaldi Guitar Concerto accompanied by harpsichord, cello, and violins. at 8am. So beautiful and sublime. I feel like Hannibal Lechter. Just missing chilled brains in my freezer. Would be like caviar (with oyster spoon) and kimchi (with chopsticks).

Almost perfect. Damn.

Monday, June 16, 2008

George Carlin- Excerpt from 'Brain Droppings'

I felt like this a million times at Duane Reade. I call it Duane Wait and I do my best to avoid the place.

Here's something I can do without: People ahead of me on the supermarket line who are paying for an inexpensive item by credit card or personal check. People! Take my word for this: Tic Tacs is not a major purchase. And, I get just as discouraged when a guy who's buying a simple jar of spaghetti sauce tries to pay with a letter of credit from the Bank of Liechtenstein. Folks, carry some fuckin' money around, will ya? It comes in handy! No one should be borrowing money from a bank at 18 percent interest to buy a loaf of bread.

And what about these cretins at the airport gift shop who think somehow they're in the Mall of America? It's an airport! I'm standin' there with one newspaper and a pack of gum; I gotta get to my plane. Why does the genetic defective ahead of me choose this moment to purchase a complete set of dishes and a new fall wardrobe? What is this, fuckin' Macy's? And of course, the clerk lady has to carefully wrap each dish separately, but she's working real 'fast'-- she's eighty-nine!! Plus she's from Sri Lanka. The rural part. And now dishman wants to know if it's okay to use Turkish traveler's checks. You know what I do? I steal things. Fuck 'em! I grab a handful of candy bars and six magazines and head for the gate. My attitude? It wasn't their stuff to begin with.

Tim Russert

I didn't watch Meet the Press that often but when I did I enjoyed it because Russert was very engaging and obviously very well prepared. He also seemed very objective and unbiased and took no spin. He seemed to be equally tough on both parties. So, I was surpised when I first heard about his death and that he suddenly collapsed during work. But my sympathy and respect grew evenmore when I saw Charlie Rose's interview collages in tribute to him (an entire hour). Russert's glowing passion for politics was real. I also learned of his roots (he grew up in working class neighborhood in Buffalo, NY and his father had 2 jobs to support his family, as a truck driver and a garbage man) and his priorities: family, hard work, and loyalty and also how he mentored or helped so many young reporters. He seemed most decent and genuine. The fact that so many people were grief stricken with his death was not acting but actual sense of loss that they showed. That showed me that he touched alot of people's hearts. They respected and loved who he was and what he stood for. Indeed a rare decent man full of life and decency. The fact that he will be missed by so many people is not an accident. I envy his values, decency, hard work and how so many people respected him. I also admire that he never lost sight of his working class roots and loved his father and his family so much.

Friday, June 13, 2008

A Belated Good Night Yves

I will never ever ever live in a pre war building ever again!

I feel like Scarlet O'Hara in front of the sunset pre intermission as she scrapes the earth in her hands and says, "I will never go hungry again!"

My pre war Park Ave. flat has no central air and to add insult to injury, one has to get an air conditioner that's through the window so the back half doesn't protrude and 'deface' the building. What a bunch of hog wash bullshit. I can't just go to PC Richards and grab something. It had to be ordered online and took 2 weeks. That was 2 yrs. ago after the lemon that I got the first year died.

So, I got home tonight from another meaningless glimmer night and I was watching TV before I planned to doze off. I turn on my air conditioner, remote, frigidaire, and the lights go dark then I hear this cranky sound from my through the window ac, re: the second one in 3 yrs. and it dies. I was fckn beside myself. The LAST thing I need is a major inconvenience like heat and humidity.

So after fidgeting with the whole thing for 15 mins., I turn to NY1 channel to see the weather forecast for the next week. Another heat wave? Fortunately no. Then I dig up my ac receipt and warranty. Funny. I don't keep tax records nor any records but I do have my ac receipt. After the first ac died. I learned that that's one record that I will keep.

To make the long story short, my ac is working again. Miraculous. What appeared to have happend is that the powersurge extension cord that I had my ac cord on overloaded somehow. So, I replugged it. Btw, it was not as simple as that since, I tried that first and it didn't work the first time. It just happened that I tried it again with my sanity running dry in a desperate redundant move. Anyway, the whole ordeal and the fright of not having ac for DAYS while I arranged repair and got repair was truly horrifying!

I know that people are sucking on rocks to survive (in Ethiopia), actually not that bad, they eat tree barks and thousands are in camps in Darfur, etc. So my petite drama pales in comparison to any true problems. But I have to say that spending at least $6,000 a month (rent, bills, cabs, drinks, food, etc.) in this city, I deserve at least air conditioning and I am never ever EVER going to live without central air ever again.

I got this place because I was sick of paying astronomical rent. But soon (not soon enough, scheduled for completion in Aug./Sep.), I will be moving to my new place downtown. Not only does the place have central air, it has washer/dryer for clothes in the apt., iPod distribution throughout the place preinstalled, a separate shower and bath tub, and a spearate bathroom for guests, health club downstairs, and personal storage for Fresh Direct in the storage level. I can't wait.

Furthermore, I can't wait until some building, at somepoint, has an ATM IN the apt. either in the bathroom or next to the washer and dryer.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Polar Bears

I can see myself going to the Central Park Zoo every week and taking pictures of the 2 polar bears there. Color and black and white. Pictures, sketches, and pastels. What's up with Fred's obessession with polar bears?! One day,I will just have a pink crayon streak on a white page and someone will say, "what the fck is that?" I'll say, "it's a polar bear, you silly! It may not look like one but it sure feels like one :)!"

Not just polar bears though. Central Park Zoo polar bears.

It's sad. Magnificient creatures constrained in the confines of a small pool. Plucked from their nature.

Once in awhile during the Summer, the zoo keepers throw in ice blocks in their pool and they cling to it and lick it. It's sad.

I like them alot. They remind me of me.