Sunday, April 27, 2008


I saw 'The Sea Inside' last week. I cried 3 times. I'm proud of it. That fckn movie was relentless. Tears ran down my cheeks for 3 mins. straight. I felt like a school girl. Now I am watching 'The Pianist' again after having seen it a few years ago. I am almost in tears. I like crying from time to time. Actually, I would like to cry at least once a week if possible. Crying makes me feel human the most and quite therapuetic for my soul. I encourage everyone to cry at least once a month. It feels really great. Equivalent to 10 great laughs. I have never cried looking at a painting or reading a book. That's more of an intellectual exercise. But I have cried over a few songs (usually Beethoven Piano Sonatas and Concertos or a nice Tony Bennett tune) and a few times watching world news (for real). But great movies get me everytime, Casablanca, The English Patient, Gone with the Wind, the Color Purple, etc. My heart aches and I weep. I wish I had the vanity enough to put my tears in vials and label them and keep them frozen in the fridge. A frozen catalogue of my tears. Then one day, in a middle of a party or dinner party at my place, I want to debute my tear gallery and show all that-- I remain human after all these years (in chronological order). Tears of joy, tears of sorrow. Human, all too human. Btw, once, like a true dandy, I cried out of envy. I was particularly pleased about that one. That particular species of tears don't occur that often, if ever.


Carolina said...

All throughout high school and until about a year ago I was unable to cry. I am very happy now to cry once in a while and it is definitely a relief for the soul. I cry to music (cheesy songs like "Goodbye my lover" James Blunt), movies ("blood diamond", "Titanic"), books ("A boy called It", "A tree grows in Brooklyn") and when I miss my family.

Fred and Barbie are human. Scary!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful entry, so happy Barbie and Fred are human, I knew it all along ;)

dandyinthecity said...

Cool. You know what's fckd up though? One of my gal pals said that she cried once to avoid a traffic ticket that a cop was going to give her and it worked. She's actually a nice girl but scary that something as human as tears can be invoked at will to avoid a ticket. I think that's shameful. My ex also told me that she cried to get a better grade in a class. I have never heard a guy doing any of this. I think that's one of the reasons why when women cry, it's not taken as seriously as when guys do. Guys cry very rarely, if ever, after puberty. I respect it and not respect it.

Unknown said...

Chaplin's "City Lights" always makes me cry -- at the end when the girl doesn't recognize him because he's a tramp. Then she looks in his eyes and says:"It was you then?" He smiles and nods. Fade. One of the very greatest pictures.

And of course, the end of "La Strada" when Zampano grovels in the sand, realizing at last what he has done. The "Gelsomina" theme by Nino Rota soars, camera pulls back. Fade.