Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Golden Calf

Damien Hirst. $18.6 million in 2008. I think that it's brilliant.


Unknown said...

A mere bagatelle ! The diamond and platinum skull casting went for 100,000,000.

I think there may be a bit of an, uh, endurance problem with these formaldehyde jobs. When I saw the shark at the Metropoltan last year, there seemed already to be some decay issues -- especially when it was seen lighted by the sun through a window behind it. A chatty guard informed me that I was probably right. He said that several very official types had viewed it a number of times over several days, and they noticed it was a bit the worse for wear. One of them said that Hirst would have no problem re-doing the whole thing, and that "it was to be expected."

Unknown said...

Stunning. I must have it.