Sunday, August 17, 2008

Obama vs. McCain

McCain kicked Obama's ass in the CNN interview. I may vote for McCain.

You would have had to seen what I saw (all 2 hrs.) to know what I'm talking about. I was a (hardcore) Obama guy (change, youth, democrat... as far away as George Bush as possible. NO MORE Cowboy Bush!) until this interview. McCain is no Bush.

Obama is smarter but McCain is WISER! Wisdom wins (for me). I was extremely surprised how it went. I was biased towards (i.e. FOR..) Obama to begin with. [He's a genius and an alumnus of my alma mater too, afterall.]

I cant believe it myself. Let's see how the pending debates pan out.

But wow, McCain was incredible tonight. Sincerity, honor, and wisdom vs. Obama's tight logical rhetoric. Kindda like Kirk vs. Spock... for the Captain's seat.

Anyway, just get Bush (and Chaney) out! The worst "President" that we have ever had. Ever.

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