Tuesday, August 26, 2008

2008 Campaign- Democrats

I think that if the Democrats really want to win the Presidential election this year, they better get more passionate and angry and yes, attack the Bush/Cheney years and the McSame years to come. For god sake, Bush has a 27% approval rating for a reason.

I'm worried about Obama's professorial tone. He needs to get more personal and use the mantra: McSame, Bush McCain ticket, etc. Use fear and anger and sprinkle it with hope, not the other way around. Fear and anger motivates the masses. It works.

John Kerry had the same frckn problem. Too nice, cerebral and just reactive.

Presidential election is a not high stakes game of cards played by well meaning gentleman around a table. It never was. It's a gladitorial sport where people (should) bleed, lose limbs, and die. The Dems. have to step up. The Republicans know what game this is far better.

I remember the Oscar winning movie, 'Network' where at one point the news anchor goes insane and tells people from his newscast to go to their windows, open it, and shout: "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!!!" and people did. It was a wonderful scene and I think that alot of people these days feel the same way.

The Dems. have to provoke a revolution not just stoically convince people to arrive there through logic. The Democrats (Obama) need to go reptilian! Bipartisanship later.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I saw a sign suggesting this site from a cab on West street. I wrote it down out of curiosity.

It is intriguing. I think the Democrats should retain its creator for work later in the campaign.
