Wednesday, April 22, 2009

iPhone 2009

iKnow :) that I havent posted a blog in awhile. But that's probably because: 1) I havent really had anything I thought worth saying; 2) I've been spending more time on Facebook as an outlet; and 3) I go through phases from compulsive to abandonement.

Anyway, the iPhone. I think I'm going to get it when the new version comes out in June. The 3 main reasons that I didn't get it so far are: 1) Everyone has it and I hate jumping into something everyone has/does. It's sheepish; 2) I thought, at least to me, that it's bulky and slightly too heavy; and 3) I have been with Verizon for almost 15 years now and it's hard to sever that tie. It's one of the longest 'relationships' that I have had. Btw, I don't think that I own or have anything in my apt. that old.

BUT the more and more that I see some of my friends use the iPhone, the more I want it. The convenience of it all is winning me over. 1) Surfing the internet is as easy as surfing on a PC (bloggin from it will be just as easy too); 2) One can jump to Facebook and post things in seconds; 3) there are fantastic apps. like Shazaam (e.g. if one is at a bar or a lounge and wants to know what they're playing at the moment, one just clicks on the Shazaam app. and within a minute, the app. tells you what song it is and you can just download it from the iTunes store if one wants it. Instant gratification! It's so American in that way.) and there are games, guides (e.g. Zagat), tip calculator, etc. that are either free or at most $5.99.

I still like my phone with a qwerty keyboard since 95% of the time I text vs. actually talking and a physical qwerty is convenient. Nevertheless, the overall convenience of the iPhone seems to me now pressing and insurmountable.

So, when the new iPhone comes out in June, I am most likely going to get on the bandwagon. I can't wait!


Unknown said...

Another seemingly rational person falls victim to the hype. I plan to continue to get along just fine without it. Actually, I'm fairly sure I'll cancel my verizon cell entirely this summer when my contract runs out. I almost never use it, and I can find better uses for the 600 bucks a year.

Unknown said...

You don't need to wait - it's just a software upgrade which you can download, along with the rest of us, when it comes out. And the keyboard on the iPhone IS a QWERTY keyboard.

dandyinthecity said...

I know that iPhone already is qwerty. What I meant (but didnt write) was that I like tactile qwerty, like actual buttons. I'm still gonna wait til the next generation (suppose to be out in June i.e. in a month and a half). I'm hoping that it will be abit smaller or slimmer and weigh alittle less.

Pierce, I suggest that you get one of those pay as you go phones. From what you wrote, I take it that you dont use your phone that much. So, it definitely doesnt make sense for you to be paying $60/mo. on something that you hardly use. But I can't imagine someone not having a cellphone. Albeit, there are a few (older people) who dont have one from what Ive heard.

Unknown said...

Had it for two years. Almost never use it. Don't need it. I have a home phone and an office phone, both with voicemail. I use them all the time and they are more than adequate.

I don't take the cell phone with me when I go out, because I don't want to be bothered by calls when I'm with other people.

I have, in two years, found the cell phone to have nothing to do with my communication needs. And actually, I have given the number to only a small number of people, and they know I don't want to be called on it, so they don't.

The home and office phones, which don't cost me anything, do the job perfectly well.

I could be wrong, but this feverish need for cellphones seems to suggest a certain insecurity on the part of those so obsessed with them. If they want to talk to you so much, they'll wait for you to call back.