Wednesday, January 7, 2009

NorthFace Facebook Pumas

A decent Winter jacket brand, a popular social site, great sneakers. Everyone has one or is on one though. So why would I ever want to own one of these or be on one of these like everyone? Why would I ever want to be everyone? I have never been and will never be everyone. I can't and won't do it. By definition, and in effect then, I am an iconoclast, and resolutely, me. Oh, silly ME :).

[I'm not a Luddite though. I do have a cellphone and I blog.]


Carolina said...

what happened to the most recent post??

dandyinthecity said...

I erased it. It wasnt polished. Gonna start over later.

Unknown said...

Good instinct.

dandyinthecity said...

Thank you Pierce. Yes. Thats the 411 on that.