Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Remember... Alaska is close to Russia

So Palin knows world affairs


Unknown said...

God. As suspected, poor mama don't have a brain in huh head.
(But rich rich rich.)

Unknown said...

Yes and she's been out of the country once - she went to visit Alaska National Guard troops in Kuwait and Germany and had a re-fueling stop in Ireland.

Unknown said...

Check out the letters to the editor of today's Times. Well worth the time. I'm sure they spent a while picking out the most articulate and well-reasoned (and of course, there were probably other opinions expressed that we don't hear), but in any event, it is an impressive display of objections to Palin's candidacy.

Spoke to a friend of mine who summers in Alaska and she was APO over the appt.

Unknown said...

"Summers?' LOL, some of us speak far above our station.

Unknown said...

She's a teacher, and her husband is a jazz performer. When she says they "summer" in Alaska, she knows that we all know they spend the season there in a very modest way, mostly working. But yes, they do "summer in Alaska", wherever that might be in regard to their "station."