Fast forward a 100 years. Today, walking back home from work, a brisk 10 block walk at 7pm, I saw drunks everywhere or people in groups going to get drunk. They were truly annoying. Even people in their 50s looked like they were drunk. Most of them were in groups and/or were loud. I was abit scared I must admit. Who knows when and if some drunk would decide that I was a Vietcong and just punch me in the face for just the hell of it. People do crazy things when they are drunk and St. Patty's day is hands down the most drunken day of the year. There's nothing wrong about people drinking and getting drunk. But in throngs and groups the profile changes or can change immediately from hey let's party, to hey let's kick some ass... it'll be fun! Maybe I was paranoid.
But from the time I got to my apt. to the time I went to nap 7 to 9pm. There was non-stop, honking, sirens (ambulance, fire trucks, and police), and group yelling off on the streets. I live on 34th and Park Ave. It's usually manageablly quiet in this area. Afterall, it's Park Avenue.
I don't know what's worse in terms of stupid people going stupid, St. Pat's day or Puerto Rican Day. There are bad apples and hooligans in every race. Every race has it's civilized class and the hooligan class. So, I am not inferring anything beyond that. But on days like this I wish their nationalism and sense of pride in their coutry was handled more maturely. So, St. Patrick supposedly kicked out all the snakes out of Ireland. Hey cool. That's a neat trick. Probably unlikely but hey maybe it's true because he performed a miracle. By definition, miracles are improbable events. So, I salute the Irish and their patron saint and I still love my best friends Tom and Scott who have Irish heritage. But the hooligans... how does a race that produces an Oscar Wilde, James Joyce, JFK, etc. produce so many Hooligans? If I were St. Pat, I would be rolling in my grave. For shame for wearing green and going bonkers. How unbecoming for a race that 'Saved Civilization' which they kindda did by being such scholarly people even during the dark ages.
I wonder about the Mexicans in the same way too sometimes when they come to clean my table at a restaurant or bring me deliveries. How did your ancestors build the Mayan pyramids? I climbed one and they were massive and amazing. How did your ancestors build Macchu Picchu? What the fuck happened to you guys?
I cannot stop laughing sk! Ohmygoood. So good! Could not have said it better myself. Love it how u end it w the mexican delivery boys: What the fuck happended?
Yea, I wonder too!
A bit of anti-Irish stereotyping here, F. von K. Although I myself have been pretty appalled at the behavior of some Irish on 3/17. The show put on at Grand Central late in the evening by drunk firemen and cops heading back to northern Westchester and Duchess counties is indeed pretty rude.
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